25 Nov. 2008

Discrepancies between preoperative stereoencephalography language stimulation mapping and intraoperative awake mapping during resection of focal cortical dysplasia in eloquent areas.

Background/aims: To compare the reliability of preoperative stereoencephalography (SEEG) and intraoperative electrostimulation regarding functional mapping, and to select the indication for surgery for focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) in language areas. Methods: The authors present the case of a 21-year-old, right-handed female, suffering from chronic pharmacologically resistant epilepsy since the age of ...

08 Jun. 2008

Brain tumors and epilepsy

When treating patients harboring a brain tumor, it is mandatory to integrate the dogmas of epilepsy into a neuro-oncological viewpoint. The frequency of seizures differs widely between low- and high-grade tumors because of different mechanisms of epileptogenesis. The modern theories of pathological neural networks, especially in low-grade gliomas, can provide ...